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事件 / 回调

LangChain 提供了一个回调系统,允许你在 LLM 应用程序的各个阶段中进行钩子处理。这对于记录日志、监视流媒体和其他任务非常有用。

你可以通过 API 中使用的 callbacks 参数来订阅这些事件。此方法接受一个处理程序对象的列表,这些对象应该实现 API 文档 中描述的一个或多个方法。



在 API 中的大多数对象上(ChainsModelsToolsAgents 等)都提供了 callbacks 参数,它有两个不同的用法:


在构造函数中定义,如 new LLMChain({ callbacks: [handler] }),将用于该对象上进行的所有调用,并且仅适用于该对象本身。例如,如果你将处理程序传递给 LLMChain 构造函数,则不会被连接到该链上的模型使用。

import { ConsoleCallbackHandler } from "langchain/callbacks";
import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";

const llm = new OpenAI({
temperature: 0,
// This handler will be used for all calls made with this LLM.
callbacks: [new ConsoleCallbackHandler()],


在发出请求的 call()/run()/apply() 方法中定义,例如{ input: '...' }, [handler]),将仅用于该特定请求及其包含的所有子请求(例如,对 LLMChain 的调用会触发对模型的调用,该模型使用在 call() 方法中传递的相同处理程序)。

import { ConsoleCallbackHandler } from "langchain/callbacks";
import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";

const llm = new OpenAI({
temperature: 0,

// This handler will be used only for this call.
const response = await"1 + 1 =", undefined, [
new ConsoleCallbackHandler(),


verbose参数可用于API中的大部分对象(链接,模型,工具,代理等)作为构造参数。例如,new LLMChain({ verbose: true }),它相当于将callbacks参数传递给该对象和所有子对象的ConsoleCallbackHandler。这对于调试非常有用,因为它会将所有事件记录在控制台上。您还可以通过设置环境变量LANGCHAIN_VERBOSE=true来为整个应用程序启用详细模式。

import { PromptTemplate } from "langchain/prompts";
import { LLMChain } from "langchain/chains";
import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";

const chain = new LLMChain({
llm: new OpenAI({ temperature: 0 }),
prompt: PromptTemplate.fromTemplate("Hello, world!"),
// This will enable logging of all Chain *and* LLM events to the console.
verbose: true,


  • 构造函数回调最适用于诸如日志记录,监视等用例,这些用例不特定于单个请求,而是适用于整个链。例如,如果您要记录所有发送到LLMChain的请求,则应将处理程序传递给构造函数。
  • 请求回调最适用于流式传输等用例,其中您需要将单个请求的输出流到特定的websocket连接或其他类似的用例。例如,如果您想将单个请求的输出流到websocket,则应将处理程序传递给call()方法。




import { ConsoleCallbackHandler } from "langchain/callbacks";
import { LLMChain } from "langchain/chains";
import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";
import { PromptTemplate } from "langchain/prompts";

export const run = async () => {
const handler = new ConsoleCallbackHandler();
const llm = new OpenAI({ temperature: 0, callbacks: [handler] });
const prompt = PromptTemplate.fromTemplate("1 + {number} =");
const chain = new LLMChain({ prompt, llm, callbacks: [handler] });

const output = await{ number: 2 });
Entering new llm_chain chain...
Finished chain.

{ text: ' 3\n\n3 - 1 = 2' }

// The non-enumerable key `__run` contains the runId.
{ runId: '90e1f42c-7cb4-484c-bf7a-70b73ef8e64b' }

One-off handlers

您可以通过将普通对象传递给callbacks参数来创建一个临时处理程序。该对象应实现CallbackHandlerMethods接口。如果您需要创建一个仅用于单个请求的处理程序,这将非常有用,例如流式传输LLM / Agent /等的输出到WebSocket。

import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";

// To enable streaming, we pass in `streaming: true` to the LLM constructor.
// Additionally, we pass in a handler for the `handleLLMNewToken` event.
const chat = new OpenAI({
maxTokens: 25,
streaming: true,

const response = await"Tell me a joke.", undefined, [
handleLLMNewToken(token: string) {
console.log({ token });
{ token: '\n' }
{ token: '\n' }
{ token: 'Q' }
{ token: ':' }
{ token: ' Why' }
{ token: ' did' }
{ token: ' the' }
{ token: ' chicken' }
{ token: ' cross' }
{ token: ' the' }
{ token: ' playground' }
{ token: '?' }
{ token: '\n' }
{ token: 'A' }
{ token: ':' }
{ token: ' To' }
{ token: ' get' }
{ token: ' to' }
{ token: ' the' }
{ token: ' other' }
{ token: ' slide' }
{ token: '.' }

Q: Why did the chicken cross the playground?
A: To get to the other slide.


我们在CallbackManager类上提供了一种方法,允许您创建一个临时处理程序。如果您需要创建一个仅用于单个请求的处理程序,这将非常有用,例如流式传输LLM / Agent /等的输出到WebSocket。

This is a more complete example that passes a CallbackManager to a ChatModel, and LLMChain, a Tool, and an Agent.

import { LLMChain } from "langchain/chains";
import { AgentExecutor, ZeroShotAgent } from "langchain/agents";
import { BaseCallbackHandler } from "langchain/callbacks";
import { ChatOpenAI } from "langchain/chat_models/openai";
import { Calculator } from "langchain/tools/calculator";
import { AgentAction } from "langchain/schema";

export const run = async () => {
// You can implement your own callback handler by extending BaseCallbackHandler
class CustomHandler extends BaseCallbackHandler {
name = "custom_handler";

handleLLMNewToken(token: string) {
console.log("token", { token });

handleLLMStart(llm: { name: string }, _prompts: string[]) {
console.log("handleLLMStart", { llm });

handleChainStart(chain: { name: string }) {
console.log("handleChainStart", { chain });

handleAgentAction(action: AgentAction) {
console.log("handleAgentAction", action);

handleToolStart(tool: { name: string }) {
console.log("handleToolStart", { tool });

const handler1 = new CustomHandler();

// Additionally, you can use the `fromMethods` method to create a callback handler
const handler2 = BaseCallbackHandler.fromMethods({
handleLLMStart(llm, _prompts: string[]) {
console.log("handleLLMStart: I'm the second handler!!", { llm });
handleChainStart(chain) {
console.log("handleChainStart: I'm the second handler!!", { chain });
handleAgentAction(action) {
console.log("handleAgentAction", action);
handleToolStart(tool) {
console.log("handleToolStart", { tool });

// You can restrict callbacks to a particular object by passing it upon creation
const model = new ChatOpenAI({
temperature: 0,
callbacks: [handler2], // this will issue handler2 callbacks related to this model
streaming: true, // needed to enable streaming, which enables handleLLMNewToken

const tools = [new Calculator()];
const agentPrompt = ZeroShotAgent.createPrompt(tools);

const llmChain = new LLMChain({
llm: model,
prompt: agentPrompt,
callbacks: [handler2], // this will issue handler2 callbacks related to this chain
const agent = new ZeroShotAgent({
allowedTools: ["search"],

const agentExecutor = AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({

* When we pass the callback handler to the agent executor, it will be used for all
* callbacks related to the agent and all the objects involved in the agent's
* execution, in this case, the Tool, LLMChain, and LLM.
* The `handler2` callback handler will only be used for callbacks related to the
* LLMChain and LLM, since we passed it to the LLMChain and LLM objects upon creation.
const result = await
input: "What is 2 to the power of 8",
); // this is needed to see handleAgentAction
handleChainStart { chain: { name: 'agent_executor' } }
handleChainStart { chain: { name: 'llm_chain' } }
handleChainStart: I'm the second handler!! { chain: { name: 'llm_chain' } }
handleLLMStart { llm: { name: 'openai' } }
handleLLMStart: I'm the second handler!! { llm: { name: 'openai' } }
token { token: '' }
token { token: 'I' }
token { token: ' can' }
token { token: ' use' }
token { token: ' the' }
token { token: ' calculator' }
token { token: ' tool' }
token { token: ' to' }
token { token: ' solve' }
token { token: ' this' }
token { token: '.\n' }
token { token: 'Action' }
token { token: ':' }
token { token: ' calculator' }
token { token: '\n' }
token { token: 'Action' }
token { token: ' Input' }
token { token: ':' }
token { token: ' ' }
token { token: '2' }
token { token: '^' }
token { token: '8' }
token { token: '' }
handleAgentAction {
tool: 'calculator',
toolInput: '2^8',
log: 'I can use the calculator tool to solve this.\n' +
'Action: calculator\n' +
'Action Input: 2^8'
handleToolStart { tool: { name: 'calculator' } }
handleChainStart { chain: { name: 'llm_chain' } }
handleChainStart: I'm the second handler!! { chain: { name: 'llm_chain' } }
handleLLMStart { llm: { name: 'openai' } }
handleLLMStart: I'm the second handler!! { llm: { name: 'openai' } }
token { token: '' }
token { token: 'That' }
token { token: ' was' }
token { token: ' easy' }
token { token: '!\n' }
token { token: 'Final' }
token { token: ' Answer' }
token { token: ':' }
token { token: ' ' }
token { token: '256' }
token { token: '' }

output: '256',
__run: { runId: '26d481a6-4410-4f39-b74d-f9a4f572379a' }